New tablet on the way!

BLARGH! I'm getting really sick on my broken tablet!
I got it 2006 as a Christmas gift and it's been around since then. But for some time now (a few years ago?) it started acting all weird. It's the pen, it draws hard lines (like it had lost it's pen-pressure settings) all over the place! >.<>

So as a Christmas gift to myself I'm getting this baby, Wacom Cintiq 21ux Generation 2. I've been saving a lot of money since I got the job at the shoe store (lol Al Bundy point to me). So I now afford this and later in February I'll afford the Art classes. I figures I needed a new tablet to even start the classes since it's online and I want to do it all digitally.

The funny thing is that after I had placed my order on this and it have been accepted they increased the price a lot. So I'm glad I order it when I did.

Oh yeah almost forgot Halloween

I never wrote anything about halloween! So here's a short summary about the evening. Me and Jonathan went to the restaurant my friend is working on for dinner. We shared a big plate of Sushi. It was one of the best meals I have ever had! And after that heavenly experience we continued of home to get painted for a holloween party at my friends house. Since I had a dress with snow-leopard pattering I thought it would be easiest to just paint some spots with an eyeliner and some gray eyeshadow. And TADA I'm a snow-leopard.

Alvaro Tapia Exhibit

There is currently an exhibit of Alvaro Tapia's work from Dungeons and Dragons at the comic gallery here in Stockholm. I believe he's most famous from doing the covers of the Swedish editions of the Harry Potter books. Which I personally find awesome! So I'm having plans of taking a little visit there this week.

Here's a taste of what he's done and what's probably will be showing on the exhibit, check this out!!

Pure awesomeness!

Source for the pictures in this blog entry you find HERE and HERE